Resource Center
The Wine Observatory Sustainability (WOS) is an international no-profit platform aiming to foster sustainability in the wine sector, collecting and coordinating existing experience
Ita.Ca® Italian wine Carbon Calculator
Short description:
Ita.Ca. (Italian Wine Carbon Calculator) is the first GHG calculator developed in Italy for the wine sector in compliance with international protocols IWCP (International Wine Carbon Protocol) (WFA, 2012) e GHGAP (Greenhouse Gas Accounting Protocol) of the OIV (Organisation International de la vigne et du vin) (OIV, 2011). Thanks to the rigor of the method and scientific basis, Ita.Ca® allows the farms to achieve the certification ISO 14064 and 14067. The monitoring permits the quantification of CO2 sequestration by agro-ecosystem too.
Date of publication:
To be verified
Kind of Tool:
- Calculator
Authorities developing the tool:
Unione Italiana Vini
DISAA Università degli Studi di Milano
Sata Studio agronomico
Farm demo implementing the tool:
Link to official website:
Reference Contact: