Resource Center
The Wine Observatory Sustainability (WOS) is an international no-profit platform aiming to foster sustainability in the wine sector, collecting and coordinating existing experience
Integrated Production of Wine - IPW
Short description:
The Integrated Production of Wine (IPW) is a voluntary environmental sustainability scheme established by the South African wine industry in 1998. It aims to serve as a basis for the application of the principles of integrated production in the growing of grapes and the production of wine.
It consists in a set of guidelines specifying good agricultural practices related to grape production (farm component), as well as a set of guidelines specifying good manufacturing practices related to wine production (winery component) and packaging activities (bottling activities). Compliance with IPW can be related to the different activities (farm, winery and bottling) separately or in combination.
Compliance with the IPW guidelines is assessed on an annual basis through the completion of a self evaluation questionnaire and is independently audited on a spot check basis.
Date of publication:
Kind of Tool:
- Guidelines
- Certification
Authorities developing the tool:
SWSA- Sustainable Wine South Africa
Farm demo implementing the tool: Although voluntary, 95% of exporting producers representing 97% of grapes harvested have joined the Scheme.
Link to official website:
Reference Contact: