Resource Center
The Wine Observatory Sustainability (WOS) is an international no-profit platform aiming to foster sustainability in the wine sector, collecting and coordinating existing experience
Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Accounting Tool
Short description:
The goal of the project partners is to provide a free, easy-to-use, wine industry specific, greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol and calculator that will measure the carbon footprints of winery and vineyard operations of all sizes, in compliance with current international standards and practices for Greenhouse Gas accounting. The protocol forms the basis for the accompanying GHG calculator, which serves as a practical application of the protocol. The international partners engaged their winery members in the development of the protocol and calculator, which will continue to be updated and refined as new information becomes available.
Date of publication:
Kind of Tool:
- Protocol
- Calculator
Authorities developing the tool:
Wine Institute
New Zealand Winegrowers;
Integrated Production of Wine South Africa;
Winemakers' Federation of Australia
Farm demo implementing the tool:
Link to official website:
Reference Contact: