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The Wine Observatory Sustainability (WOS) is an international no-profit platform aiming to foster sustainability in the wine sector, collecting and coordinating existing experience
WOS - WINE OBSERVATORY SUSTAINABILITY Building the stakeholder platform to foster sustainability in the wine sector
Short description:
THE PROJECTThe Wine Observatory Sustainability (WOS) is an international no-profit platform aiming to foster sustainability in the wine sector, collecting and coordinating existing experiences on sustainability in the wine sector. WOS main goal is to close the communication gap between the players in the wine value chain that are actively working in the sustainability of the wine sector, creating n international network and building a base for useful synergies. In recent years, a great number of programs, initiatives and tools to improve sustainability in the wine sector have been developed. If, on the one hand, this is a positive signal of the interest of the global society regarding the topic, on the other hand there is to risk to increase confusion and misunderstanding (1). The diversity of approaches and interest, indeed, is a great opportunity for the sector, to pool resources and knowledge to elaborate and promote the best solutions. However, lack of harmonization in approaches and priorities makes difficult the communication between various actors in the value chain and it makes hard the communication with policy makers and society (including consumers). Consultation, coordination and collaboration are essential to achieve sustainability. Sharing existing knowledge and disseminating new technical solutions, indeed, are considered essential to foster synergies and cooperation between the various actors in the wine value chain, in order to ensure that all the players can have the tools to improve the environmental, economic and social sustainability of wine production.
Date of publication:
30 January 2017
Kind of Document:
- Other
Reference contact:
Authors : Authors: Corbo C.,1 La Porta B 1., Valentino F.2, Capri E.1, Stefanucci S.3 1OPERA Research Center on Sustainable Development in Agriculture - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, Italy 2 Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Roma, Italy 3 Unione Italiana Vini, Verona, Italy Corresponding authors: ;