Resource Center
The Wine Observatory Sustainability (WOS) is an international no-profit platform aiming to foster sustainability in the wine sector, collecting and coordinating existing experience
Short description:
Planeta is a Sicilian wine producer built on a long agricultural tradition handed down since 1500 through 17 generations in the area between Sambuca di Sicilia and Menfi.Today Planeta represents not just one, but six ways of developing the territory, in six different settings. There are, in fact, six Planeta wine producing estates, each one with a specific research and development project. Ulmo, at Sambuca di Sicilia, Dispensa, at Menfi; Dorilli, at Victoria; Buonivini at Noto, Feudo di Mezzo at Etna in Castiglione di Sicilia, and finally, La Baronia, at Capo Milazzo. These are the Planeta locations, comprising a total surface area of 363 hectares of vineyards. Planeta adopted environmental protocol and takes part to important project to improve its sustainability, among which: Planeta Terra, V.I.V.A. Sustainable Wine, SOStain.
Contrada Dispensa, 92013 – Menfi (AG), Italy
Kind of farm:
- Grapes and wine producer
Farm Size:
Big (>50 ha)
Link to official website:
Contact Information:
Tools developed:
V.I.V.A. Sustainability and Culture
Planeta Terra
Short description of results achieved:
V.I.V.A. Sustainable Wine includes 4 indicators (air, water, wineyard, territory) to allow the winemakers to quantifies the impact on the environment in order to monitoring the different production phases and to support effective strategies to reduce emissions. The consumer can easily check the value of every indicator throght a Q-code on the label of the wine bottle. The results of every indicator are also available here.